SPOOKY GHOSTS SIGN AND BRACKET SET | Launching our Signs of the Seasons Tradition

  • Detail

    Can we get a drum roll please? Now some heralding trumpets? How about throwing in some fireworks in the background? Fabulous! You are getting the idea…this one is big. No, it’s HUGE! No it's....TOO GOOD FOR WORDS! TODAY we are launching a brand new Signs of the Seasons collection and we can’t be more excited! Let me explain:

    At Decor Steals, we hold a profound belief in cherishing life's moments, finding joy in each season's gifts, and crafting lasting family traditions. Our hearts swell with joy as we witness the awe in a child’s (or even an adult’s) eyes, rejoicing in the abundant gifts each season bestows upon us. It is with this profound sentiment that our “Signs of the Season” new tradition was born, a reflection of our unwavering commitment to celebrating the beauty of life's journey.

    We will be offering double sided signs commemorating seasons and holidays throughout the year. All these signs are designed to fit interchangeably onto the same bracket. Since this is the first of many signs to come in this series we kitted the bracket with the sign. Any sales after that you will only need to buy the sign.

    This Spooky Ghosts Sign set is just the beginning. As the seasons change, so will our collection of signs. So we invite you to join along…

    P.S: You can go to our FB post here and suggest what sign you would like to see in the future.