No Tricks All Treats Box

  • Detail
    To celebrate the fall season and to give our Stealers a TREAT... we decided this steal would put a HUGE smile on your faces! Similar to our oh-so-popular Surprise Boxes, this No Tricks All Treats Box is packed FULL of surprises... this box has a mix of both everyday items and fall items for a FRACTION of the price! You won't regret getting your hands on this treat... and as always, these will FLY off the shelves... so GRAB YOURS NOW! This is truly a STEAL and a really fun surprise on your doorstep!What to Know: -These boxes fly off the shelf, so if you are interested don't delay. Buy yours first before sharing with friends - Just saying... -There are several different No Tricks All Treats Box variations so you and your friend may get entirely different products! This makes it even more fun!!! Which box you receive is selected at random.-Each box contains FIVE mystery items and the combined value of all the products is ALWAYS way more than the price you are paying for the box, and is very close to the same for every box variation!-You may receive an item that you have already bought in the past. If this happens and you don’t want to keep the duplicated item, you can re-gift it or try to sell it on our Décor Steals Sell & Trade Facebook Group!-All sales are final.-If you purchase a No Tricks All Treats Box, please do NOT post any photos or comments about your box contents on social media until we give you guys the greenlight to do so! Since shipping times vary depending on where the box is going, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to open their box and be SURPRISED before any “spoilers” are posted. Usually, you can post photos a couple of weeks after the No Tricks All Treats Box sales date. We know you are excited (we are too!!!) and appreciate your understanding and cooperation!Ok, on your mark, get set... STEAL STEAL STEAL!