Apothecary Wooden Table
We know finding storage solutions can be a pain, but today we are making it a pleasure! This Apothecary Wooden Table is SO perfect and full of character and function! Check out those drawers FULL of storage possibilities AND this piece is just DRIPPING with beauty and charm! It's a WIN!
Place this charming piece in your bedroom, office, kitchen, living room, or foyer! Use the EIGHT drawers with customizable labels to store just about everything & anything! Office supplies, kitchen goodies, keys & mail in an entryway, or even jewelry & hair accessories in the bedroom! Add photo frames, garland, risers and candles on top and you will have the PERFECT display!
Such a statement piece all while being useful and giving extra storage! OH, and did we mention this large piece still ships at the same old $5 rate!
PS - Check out how our friend @favoredfarmhouse used hers in the pics above!