Whitewashed Wood and Metal Lanterns, Set of 2

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    Boy oh boy! We are loooooooving these beautiful lanterns!! The whitewashed wood and metal accents bring out the charm of these beauties and will tie the look of your cottage farmhouse together! Did we mention these wood and metal lanterns are SUPER popular right now! They are honestly AHHHHHmazing and at that price they’ll be sure to sell out!!!!  These gorgeous wood and metal lanterns are perfect to set the scene. Use them indoors with an LED light to add a soft glow to your home!! You could even place a small potted plant inside and display them on a tabletop, on your mantel, front entryway or any where else to enhance the look of your décor. These stunning lanterns will look great anywhere it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get enough of them!!!Pretty AWESOME huh?!!! AND as always our SUPER A-M-A-Z-I-N-G shipping rate is still ONLY $5!!!Enjoy!