*HUGE* Metal Wall Display Ladder

  • Detail

    Today we bring you one of the coolest of all our deals! Yep! This steal is the modern take on the wood ladder and sits practically against the wall to take up the least amount of space possible. Even better it hangs directly on the wall!


    This HUGE Metal Wall Display is perfect for that wreath you've been wanting to feature! Click a couple of meaningful photos to it and viola you have yourself the perfect gallery feature. Living room already full with other great steals?! Not to worry hang pots and pans from hooks in a kitchen even stockings and greenery for Christmas. Change out the greenry and make it perfect for any season!


    It's JUST amazing!!! Better yet is that price yup! We are NOT fooling around... ONLY $5 shipping! 


    So this is your chance to get your hands on such an amazing piece for our incredible price :o)