Farmhouse Tricycle Planter
We believe John F. Kennedy said it best "Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride"...
That is what we thought of when we laid our eyes on this classic tricycle flower planter. It brought us back to our childhoods... Riding your bike around the neighborhood trying to find the BIGGEST hill. And once you found it you would throw your bike down race all the way to the top and roll yourself down! Over and over again until it was time for dinner. Then you would get on your bike and race the sun home - who would win?! Would you get home before the sun set or would the sun be victorious and set before you reached your front door?!
We just LOVED the memories this beautiful planter brought up for us and we knew they would bring up the same ones for you! Keep it in your home for faux plants or holding your favorite movie watching pillow and blanket. Want to keep it on the floor but add some height?! Just grab your favorite demijohn and faux steams and voila - instant height! Personally we see this outside in our gardens but knowing what the weather can do to metal and wood - we would definitely seal it first! Plus we like that vintage left in a barnyard aged look! If that's not your thing there are a thousand places inside to house this steal!
Oh and did we mention this HUGE (see photo #2: Tyra Martinez) tricycle ships for ONLY $5?! ;)
Don't forget to check out what your fellow stealers are saying about this beauty below...